Irshad Mohammed

CISO, Burjeel Holdings Abu Dhabi

A professional with more than 21+ years of experience in IT infrastructure, IT security, application implementation and support. Expertise includes multiple domains including health care, service & retail, restaurant, construction, and supply chain. Known to be a communicative and collaborative team player open to new challenges and diversing technologies

4:00 PM

UAE Agenda 2024

'Everywhere Secure' - for the new age enterprises

Moderator: Jayakumar Mohanachandran | Group CIO, Buzeki Enterprises

Abhilash Radhadevi |Head of Cybersecurity, OQ Trading

Evita Faustina Francis | Business Resilience Practice Leader - MENA, Marsh

Tilak Ratnayake | Group IT Security Manager, GAC Group

Irshad Mohammed | CISO, Burjeel Holdings