Heide Young
Heide Young, ranked in the Top 10 Technology Leaders across the Middle East 2022.
She is the Founding Partner and Board Member of Women in Cyber Security Middle East (WiCSME), a globally recognized group focused on empowering, supporting and increasing the percentage of women in cybersecurity.
Heide is also on the Advisory Board for the Arab International Cybersecurity Summit, Mentor for CyberSafe Foundation CyberGirls Fellowship, Liaison for Women in Security & Resilience Alliance (WISECRA), and formerly part of the leadership team for Australian Women in Security Network (AWSN) and a FITT (Females in IT&Telecom) Mentor .
She is internationally recognized as an active and contributing member to the global cybersecurity community. A seasoned frequent international keynote guest speaker, international judge for women in cybersecurity awards, and official mentor to women in cybersecurity from Australia, America, Africa, and the Middle East. Driven by passion, she is dedicated to increase female presence in cyber security through her mentoring, volunteer activities and outreach programs she champions. She is committed to demystifying cyber security and the careers within, so that young girls and women have the opportunity presented to them on how to get involved in cyber security, contribute, and be heard.
In her current role, Heide is the Manager of Cyber Strategy & Engagement. Responsible for co-developing the cybersecurity unit’s strategy and leading the unit’s engagement .